
Architects Lobby the Legislature on Feb. 19

The AIA Washington Council had an exciting lobby day on Feb. 19. Each year the AIA/WA holds Capitol Connections, the lobby day for state architects. Over 35 active and involved members attended and participated in: presentations on the state of government; meetings with their legislators and state leadership; and hearings where they testified or signed-in supporting architect issues.

Capitol Connections is a key time when legislators can put a face on issues. A great example of how members make a difference during Capitol Connections was in evidence during the hearing for the architect licensing law bill, HB 1634. Washington is one of seventeen states that allow those who have held internships for a period of years to be grandfathered-in and allowed to take the licensing exam. Below you can hear testimony on HB 1634 from AIA/WA members Sue Lani Madsen, Madsen, Mitchell, Evenson & Conrad of Eastern Washington; and Dave Huotari, ALSC of Spokane.


  1. I think to be fair and ethical this should include the opposing testimony from the students this bill affects. This way AIA members can decide for themselves instead of continuing the illusion that this bill is uncontested.

    -Jason Fierst, President, AIAS Spokane

  2. I'm an intern architect with a 5-year professional degree and 6 years of work experience and I am strongly in favor of bill HB 1634. I was surprised to hear recently that there is opposition to the bill from students from Spokane. Although it's great to see so many young architecture students motivated enough to voice their opinions, I don't think they realize the weight of the education and experiences requirements can have in practicing competent architecture. Someone should mention to those students from Spokane that being a licensed architect means that you are responsible, as a practicing professional, for the health, safety and welfare of the public. So education and experience should not be taken lightly with the rush to getting licensed just for the sake of it.
