
AIA NW&P Region - 2013 Grassroots and Leadership Conference Scholarships Applications

Announcing: 2013 Grassroots and Leadership Conference Scholarships Applications 


The American Institute of Architects Northwest & Pacific Region (AIA|NWPR) is offering scholarships to cover airfare and registration expenses to attend the annual AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference. The conference is in Washington DC, on March 20 – 23, 2013. This is an excellent opportunity to learn firsthand how the AIA works for the benefit of architects through federal legislation. This is also an opportunity to learn about critical issues facing the profession and how you can participate in addressing these issues.

Past participants have returned from this conference energized and empowered to take leadership positions at the local, state, and regional levels, and contribute their energy and enthusiasm to improve the profession.

This year the AIA|NWPR will award three to five scholarships for the conference. Preference will be given to young architect AIA members (those licensed less than 10 years) and Associate AIA members. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate how they have taken a leadership role in the AIA in their chapters, and what they hope to learn from the experience and training at the AIA Grassroots Conference.

Applications will be reviewed by the AIA|NWPR Leadership Development Team.

Selected scholarship recipients will be required to attend all of the conference events including the lobbying meetings on Capitol Hill, and the AIA|NWPR Board of Representatives meeting on March 20 and dinner on March 22 (dinner fees to be covered by the AIA|NWPR). In addition, recipients will be asked to provide a written report of their findings and lessons learned from the conference within 30 days of the end of the conference.

Applicants are encouraged to discuss the Grassroots Conference opportunities with their chapter leadership who have attended in the past to get a better idea of the activities and benefits that they can expect to experience through their participation at this unique event.

Application Requirements

Interested candidates must submit:

  • A one page letter of nomination from an AIA state or local chapter located in the AIA Northwest & Pacific Region. Candidates may be self-nominated, if they provide two letters of reference from AlA members in good standing affirming the nominee’s ambition and potential for leadership in the AIA.
  • One page resume listing as a minimum education, professional experience, awards and acknowledgements, and related volunteer positions held.
  • One page essay from the nominee focusing on what he or she hopes to gain from the experience both personally and professionally.
Submissions must be received in PDF format no later than 5:00 p.m. January 4, 2013

Send submissions in PDF Format to: kinney@aiawa.org

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