
Your Opinion is Needed

Would a materials research lab, geared toward design professionals, be a useful resource for you? An AIA architect, the Portland Development Commission, and an extensive group of professionals in various design disciplines (architectural, industrial, apparel, etc) are working to answer that question.

A survey has been created to gauge interest for the lab amongst professionals. The AIAWA felt that making this survey available could be valuable to the profession.

The survey aims to uncover the feasibility of establishing a materials lab in the western United States. Establishment of a lab is the first step in a larger vision to develop a Creative Exchange on the west coast. The survey should only take a few minutes to complete.

Please click here for the survey (or cut and paste this address: https://lcb.qualtrics.com/SE?SID=SV_a5EXe3thMyZ1Igc&SVID=Prod)

Feel free to forward this survey to other professionals, friends, colleagues, and organizations/associations in the creative industries

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